ARK weekly digest – 09/29/2017

ARK weekly digest – 09/29/2017

Sep 29 Android_LIS  

Hello everyone!


Our observant readers might have noticed that we missed our weekly blogpost last week. The cause of all this is a very important upcoming event that got our team deeply involved. And we promise you to shed some light on all of this in the upcoming week.

Just a blurry pic, or maybe something more? – Stay tuned for our next blog post!


But enough with excuses, let’s get down to our report. This week we’ve added some more gruesome monsters, fixed a ton of bugs and compiled a new build of the game.

So perhaps let’s start with the monsters. I doubt that after reading our last post about those ghastly beasts you might have thought that this is the last of them. And it isn’t — please meet our new contestant in Arc’s bestiary, and so far, he has no name. But don’t get it fool you, the lack of name doesn’t mean the lack of it’s deathly features. And yet again these critters will inhabit Arc in packs.

Not your everyday goldfish


Thanks to our in-depth game testing we managed to spot and fix a huge number of bugs. And non- the less you’ll get to play the alpha version we’ll make sure it will be a smooth and fun gameplay experience.

We are so proud of all the fixes and sheer length of the change log


After this massive debugging session, the last thing left for us to do is update the game-client. And so, we did. Hence, we come one step closer to the alpha test and we look forward to it. As a small farewell gift, we’ve recorded a short gameplay video from our latest game build. Just keep in mind that this all a pre-alpha stage and everything is a subject to change. See you next week.


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