Hello everyone!
Autumn anxiety slowly spreads among our brave adventure seekers. But Lost in Sky team has a solution how not to give into the unhappy mood and keep the spirit up – let’s go shopping!
First and foremost, our protagonist got some new things to wear. If you have a world to save you must look good while doing so. Now Roy has 4 new outfits for any weather and situation. Bright colors and shear coolness of which will scare off all the monsters away, or attract them? – Well, we didn’t quite figure it out.
A clear incompleteness on the right
Next, the onscreen control icons. In the previous gameplay videos there was only one icon visible and it might have seemed that our protagonists could only jump around. And as you all probably know only Italian plumbers and blue hedgehogs can take care of their problems by jumping, our characters have way more things they must do. So, we made some new icons, which are much more convenient, informative and at the end of the day – good looking.
Classic buttons, familiar to everyone who played on consoles
Meanwhile golden autumn made its way into the ARK’s vaults. Warm colors and the most beautiful parallax effect behind the window will set you on positive mood. But don’t let this beauty bring your guard down – our monsters are ferocious as ever.
A feast for the eyes even if there is a danger around
And who has their spirits up all the time? – Our artists! The avalanche of quality art from their department fills everyone in our studio with joy! We keep a close eye on our art magicians and even managed to snatch a fresh story board from one of the tables. This time around it’s a lot less complicated and easy to understand. I bet someone from the art department has read our blogpost recently.
It seems that something has gone wrong
Stay tuned and see you next week!
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