Hi everyone,
Indie Prize 2017 has ended, and we’ve finally managed to stabilize our emotions from this never-ending excitement. Refreshed with positive feedback and brilliant ideas we’re returning to work. To tell the truth we’ve been hard at work right since our return, so now is a perfect time to show you what we’ve accomplished over the past week.
First things first, based on the feedback we’ve got from players at the convention our IT guys introduced some adjustments to monster’s behavior inside the game.
The main reason behind those adjustments is to show the monsters’ move pattern in a form of a small puzzle, and we want players to crack that puzzle thus dealing with their enemies.
Currently we’ve divided all the monsters in certain groups (the animation is purely technical and does not show the real picture of the game):
- Monsters aiming to reduce distance to the player and fight in melee. Suicide worms are being part of this group.
- Monsters who keep their distance and fight from afar. Spiders are perfect range fighters; their venom shots significantly reduce health of those who want to approach them.
- Monsters who stalk their prey and attack from ambush. And in that category, there is nothing worse than giant scorpions with their fast and deadly strikes. From now on they will attack you from an ambush.
Behavioral diversity emphasizes character individuality, and encourages player to change his play style.
Parallel to the IT department our Artist were hard at work on the Lost in Sky comic book. So much have been accomplished but still so much is needed to be done. Today, in a special showcase, we will reveal fresh sketches of the Mutants from the Neutral Zone. Behold our new artwork, be careful though – the paint is still fresh.
Not all concepts will make their way into the final comic, some characters turned out to be too unique – like the simple (on first glance) man in armor, or the half-droid with a crossbow, and finally bouncer with a claw.
Seeing those wasteland marauders on your way is a bad omen. And for them seeing your, on the other hand, is a big sign of luck and even maybe…, a meal.
So much work awaits us ahead, not to mention the alpha test which is just around the corner! And if one of our loyal readers would like to help us testing the game prior to the official date please wright in the comments below – we’ll figure something out ?
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