DevGAMM2019 was over, and before we knew it, we found ourselves in London taking part in CasualConnect! Two biggest gaming events over the two weeks’ time was a serious strain test both for the game and for the team.
Right after we opened our laptops and started the game, one of the visitors approached us. He was passing by, and the environment of the City struck him! Indeed, it catches the eye and sinks into your mind. On the day three of the exhibit, the livestream host also mentioned the style and the color palette.
Our first players really liked the gameplay: they enjoyed switching between the two characters, the movement speed, the dynamic combat system, and the variety of monsters. City dwellers’ catch phrases as they hid from the monsters in their apartments brought smiles to players’ faces. One of the players received a key from us as a gift, and he was so happy to know that he could play together with his spouse in a local co-op game mode!
On the downside, some new players couldn’t master the game controls that easily. Getting used to the gamepad took time. On the other hand, experienced players turned out very fast learners! Several visitors completed the demo in one breath, and they wanted to know how many hours of gameplay was planned in the full version.
As for the shortcomings of the showcase demo version, we have one thing to say: now we know what could use some improvement in the full version. We have a serious work ahead of us: more obvious interaction patterns, endurance consumption, health control, better gamepad controls, and the improved map are under way.
The feedback we got in 3 days from players from China, Turkey, UK, France, Spain, Poland, and other countries showed that we have chosen the right path to develop an exciting atmospheric action platformer.
A nice compliment to the showcase was an invitation to livestreaming, where we had the chance to once again show the best sides and priorities of Lost in Sky: the local co-op game mode, cutscenes, soundtrack, bosses, and last but not least, corrections that we plan to implement in accordance with the feedback we received. That’s where all our thoughts and efforts are today.
To sum up the two exhibits, we’d like to quote one of the visitors, who described the Lost in Sky gameplay experience as follows: “This is a story of a futuristic space society that lost its way — a great story that can be told so many times!”
We were very happy to show Lost in Sky to so many people! Player reviews and opinions are truly valuable for us. We promise to use them wisely. See you very soon!
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