Hi everybody!
We’ve been pretty busy over the last few weeks, and now we’re excited to show you what we’ve done!
Monster animations
Fresh, smooth, well-polished: the new monster animations look familiar—and scary, and impressive, all at the same time!

Flying enemies
Let’s do some shooting! A sword will do, too.

Training site
We added a couple of new simulators:
Monster holograms, an engineering marvel.

If holograms are too tough, special weakened species are at your service. There’s nothing to be ashamed of, you’re still in training… kind of.

Some good old-fashioned bloody fight to finish!
Hot-blooded young Headgrabber is eager to fight.

Here’s what happens if you sneak up on an elite ARK fighter from behind.

That’s it for today! We’ll see you around, folks.
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